Tayden manufacture a range of 10" guitar loudspeakers offering guitarists a variety of sound options. Available in similar tones to the classic 12" British guitar speakers, the 10" Tayden speaker range includes a Alnico and TRUE BRIT model.
LEAN AUDIO No.1 for PA Loudspeakers, Guitar Speakers, Bass Guitar Speakers & HI FI speakers
Suppliers of KEF, Eminence, 18 Sound, Celestion, Tayden, Ciare, Montage, WGS, Faital Pro, RCF, B&C, Matrix & Palmer
Tayden 10" Guitar Speakers
Tayden loudspeaker's vast experience in manufacturing high quality
professional guitar speakers in the UK have been utilised by
leading Guitar amplifier manufacturers for over 30 years.
Today, Tayden's heritage and specialist knowledge
in manufacturing loudspeakers has enabled Guitarists worldwide
the opportunity to reproduce specific vintage sounds.
Email: sales@lean-business.co.uk Tel: +44 (0)1473 744089
© 2023 Lean Business Audio Limited. Lean Business Audio is a Limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 04991687. 18 The Sterling Complex, Farthing Road Industrial Estate, Ipswich, IP1 5AP. |