LEAN AUDIO No.1 for PA Loudspeakers, Guitar Speakers, Bass Guitar Speakers & HI FI speakers
Suppliers of KEF, Eminence, 18 Sound, Celestion, Tayden, Ciare, Montage, WGS, Faital Pro, RCF, B&C, Matrix & Palmer
DAVE Portable PA SystemsIdeal for smaller to medium gig applications, the LD Systems Dave portable PA Equipment represents a balance of sound quality and affordability —
a capable little PA system can be sold at such a low price. The band on a budget should love this system, where the inevitable compromises necessary to achieve a low selling price don’t really reflect in its performance or cabinet build quality. So if you need a PA system that sounds good, yet costs no more than a half-decent guitar and that will fit in a hatchback, LD’s Dave PA Systems might just become your new best friend.
Email: [email protected] Tel: +44 (0)1473 744089
© 2023 Lean Business Audio Limited. Lean Business Audio is a Limited company registered in England and Wales. Registered number: 04991687. 18 The Sterling Complex, Farthing Road Industrial Estate, Ipswich, IP1 5AP. |