LEAN AUDIO No.1 for PA Loudspeakers, Guitar Speakers, Bass Guitar Speakers & HI FI speakers

Celestion V Type Guitar Speaker 16ohm - SPECIAL OFFER



CELESTION V-TYPE Guitar Speaker 70 watts 8ohm

The V-Type continues Celestion’s tradition of delivering rich, classic British guitar tone in innovative new ways. Combining decades of Guitarist experience with advanced research and development, the V-Type has been built using a carefully balanced ‘recipe’ of old and new design techniques.

Using the classic Celestion pressed steel frame, ceramic magnet the V Type guitar speaker delivers 70-watt power handling and an output sensitivity (SPL) of 98dB.

The V-Type produces an exciting, modern vintage electric guitar sound that’s described as “airy and open, while delivering a formidable low end.” It is a loudspeaker that provides authentic Celestion tone whatever your style and just makes you want to keep on playing. Clean sounds are true across the lows, mids and highs, with just enough upper-mid chime and HF sparkle to add clarity and definition. Crank it up for a sizzling overdrive and raw rock tones, with plenty of mid-band warmth to give body and substance to lead note playing.

To achieve this, Celestion’s guitar speaker experts have carried out extensive work to refine the traditional manufacturing process. They applied advanced engineering know-how together with the application of modern materials, including innovations first used with the best-selling Creamback.

This has enabled the exploration of new tonal possibilities without compromising power handling or sensitivity, and still remaining faithful to the sonic spirit of Celestion’s greatest guitar speakers. The result is something that offers a different ‘flavor’ compared to a G12M or G12H. The V-Type is a sweet-sounding speaker with a superbly balanced tonal signature that imparts a real vintage musicality; built with the modern player in mind.

A cool retro look complements the authentic Celestion tonality, so no-one should be in any doubt of this remarkable speaker’s family history. The V-Type truly is a modern guitar speaker with a vintage pedigree.
Price includes VAT.

General Specifications
Nominal diameter 12", 305mm
Power rating 70Wrms
Nominal impedance Available 16 Ù
Sensitivity 98dB
Chassis type Pressed steel
Voice coil diameter 1.75", 44.5mm
Voice coil material Round copper
Magnet type Ceramic
Magnet weight 31oz, 0.88Kg
Frequency range 70-5000 Hz
Resonance frequency, Fs 75Hz
DC resistance, Re Available 7.3 Ù or 12.9 Ù

Mounting Information
Cut-out diameter 11.1", 283mm
Diameter 12.2", 309mm
Magnet structure diameter 5.3”, 134mm
Mounting slot dimensions 0.31", 7.9mm Ø
Mounting slot PCD 11.7", 297mm
Number of mounting slots 8
Overall depth 4.84”, 123mm
Unit weight 7.2lb, 3.3kg

Montage Pro Guitar Cabinets 1x12", 2x12" and 4x12".
Montage Intro Guitar Cabinets 1x12", 2x12" and 4x12" Slant.
Wiring Kit Parallel, x2 Red and x2 Black

Wiring Kit Series, x1 Red, x1 Black and x1 Orange.
Tayden Sonic Diffuser.

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