LEAN AUDIO No.1 for PA Loudspeakers, Guitar Speakers, Bass Guitar Speakers & HI FI speakers

Celestion G12H-30 Anniversary Guitar Speaker 16ohm SPECIAL OFFER


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CELESTION G12H 30 was re-released for Celestion's 70th anniversary, the G12H evokes the sounds of the classic 1960s and ’70s rock bands.
Loud and proud thanks to its heavy magnet structure, the G12H provides a fusion of the Vintage 30 and the Greenback characteristics, producing a thick, warm and syrupy sound while still retaining a tight and focused bottom end.
When played clean, the speaker remains clear and musical without ever sounding harsh. In overdrive, pick attack is vividly articulated with sustained notes trailing off into warm harmonic tones.

Price includes VAT.

Nominal diameter

12", 305mm
Power Rating

Nominal impedance


Chassis type Pressed Steel
Voice coil diameter
1.75", 44.5mm
Magnet type

Magnet weight 50oz, 1.42kg

Frequency Range 75Hz-5000Hz
Resonance freq. 85Hz
Unit Weight 10.4lb, 4.7kg
Montage Pro Guitar Cabinets 1x12", 2x12" and 4x12".
Montage Intro Guitar Cabinets 1x12", 2x12" and 4x12" Slant.
Wiring Kit Parallel, x2 Red and x2 Black

Wiring Kit Series, x1 Red, x1 Black and x1 Orange.
Tayden Sonic Diffuser.

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